Following the Pull of Divinity within as it speaks in quiet
whispers beneath the din of the soulversations all around
Living from Soul in every moment is Courage.
Loving from Soul generates Miracles.
Leading from Soul is Magic.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Soulversations With My Higher Self: Presence as a Pulsating Portal of Possibility.

Presence as a Pulsating Portal of Possibility

I am struggling with the vulnerability of this piece. This takes courage. I sit. I muse. I ponder. I contemplate, ruminate, consider. These so called channels are coming in consistently now. What to share? Does anyone really care? There are so many channelers, readers, healers, psychics out there. So many people poised to be of service. So, I question the necessity of my role as any or all of the above. Do I transcribe directly the soulversations between me, my Higher Self, Spirit Team, the Collective Alliance of One? What difference does it make? Here is the dichotomy between my human insecurities and my Divine Knowing of Myself as one of the One. I don't think I'm alone in this present configuration of doubt. 

So, here we go. I will use an asterisk and red ink to indicate my Heatherness and other colors to navigate the other voices I feel. These energies presently resist labels and naming. You just have to use your own discernment here, your own innate Knowing. Some of you will say, "This chick is full of shit!" Others will divine the pure white spirit energies seeking to flow through all of us. Take what resonates and toss the rest. Some like steak. Some like eggplant. We are unique Magnificent Beings of Light whether we know it or not. Yet. 

* I feel that I need to get a job so I can have income. I am reluctant to spend any more money on anything having to do with the business of Into the Swirl. I get on some level that my income is not going to come through this business. And I get that getting a 3D job is not the best use of my time. The pressure-tension between those two things is very challenging to me. I would like to transform it. Transmute it. Lots of healers and readers, etc., are making their living this way. I know my work is honed, aligned, etc. I feel like I am missing something. I have been Being followed by the Doing when appropriate. My HS(HigherSelf) and Soul Team has prompted me to be poised like this. So many readers and healers out there. So many opinions. I am available. I am open for business. I have cleared, cleansed, released so much. I am willing. I am open. What am I missing?

You are the Healer of the Healers. *Yeah, you've been saying that for such a long time. Because it's True. *It gives me such a headache and makes me want to cry. You activate then open a portal for them to walk into, explore, pursue. This is the Gatekeeper Wayshower  piece. You guide and help and advise where blocks, implants and walls exist. Your very presence is a pulsating portal of possibility. *Fine. Ok. I get it. Money? Making a living? Contributing to the human aspects of my life? No job to go to every day. This is a bringing together, a merging of these energies. This tension is necessary and not new to you. You need a little more Time to attenuate. Feel that in your sacral plexus? In your base chakras? The so called anxiety you feel in your Heart Centers is not anxiety at all. Let's rename it, shall we? If you get a 3D job at this point, you will derail this process. It won't help. It won't make things better. Your focus will be diverted. The tension will still be there. In fact, it will increase because you are very close to closing this gap in the field between your Knowing and your Wanting. They want to become the same Thing. Percolating is a good term, yes, to replace anxiety. You are Fine; have your physical needs met in this NowTime. Don't panic here. You are seeing the astronaut blowing the hatch prematurely after touchdown. He survived the mission only to be impatient at the last minute and much valuable data was "lost" to the bottom of the ocean. (I was thinking of Gus Grissom. We've been watching Earth to the Moon programs here at 48 Pleasant)Simmering, bubbling, stewing, roiling are all very good adjectives, yes. You have not lost your family. Your focus is on Else. They're all fine doing their work, their alchemy. You are going down stream. Forcing anything is exhausting. Flow is better. You are resisting the Flow because you don't understand with your linear mind where it's all leading. Your Story with it is way too small, Heather. You cannot see what the rest of us can see.

It's expansion. Rename it. Transform what you have dubbed it. It's creation. Transformation. Trans Form Nation. Transfer the coms(communications)from the Mind Station to the Heart Station; from the Command Module to the Lunar E Module. "I don't care what it was designed to do. I care what it CAN do!" (loose quote from the film Apollo 13)

The Joy! Focus on the happy. The colors. The Flow. The Light. The Day. ReFocus! Breathe! Breathe! Breathe into your Heart Center. Peace Quiet Bird Song Morning noises. What do you WANT to do Today? Now? NowMoment is All Moment is all there truly is. Practice Living in the NowMoment. Bring awareness to the space between the Heart and the Mind. Put down the ancient weapons of Dual-ity. The Heart & Mind are Brothers in Kind. The Heart & Mind aligned are powerful accelerants to Divinity. The linearity of the Human Mind is like a tripping wire. Subterfuge & Sabotage. The linear Human Mind has been an undercover participant, not just for you. Many Star-seeded Humans have been undercover and have worked from within the Shadows. Trusting is not a habit. High alert to danger, death and mayhem along with PTSD, betrayal and denial is the habit. 

WE are not asking you to trust us, per se, but rather to trust yourself. WE respect You in your totality. This includes your Human Self and the journeys you have experienced. Part of the Way through this present tight configuration is to work with these Tensions that are presenting to you to close and seal the gap between your Human Linear Mind and your open High Heart Center that includes and encompasses your own Higher Expanded Minds that are connected to the All is Well, All is Always Well Bodies through to all the energies of your multidimensionality. No one can do this for you. There is a goig flip here.(a goig flip is a term that equates to flipping a script or changing an old habit that is not bad in and of itself. A goig flip offers a new, altered perspective. If you've been sitting in the dirt in a chasm, climb up onto a roof for anew vantage point. I didn't realize this blog post would need a glossary of terms! LOL) You can feel it. WE honor your Human Mind, but you haven't. Your Human Mind is Bright, Brilliant, Astute. Collect this Truth in One Place. All that it entails on a cellular level. All the Programs that Run every moment through your physical body automatically. Bring that Truth to Conscious Awareness as a GroupEnergy. They are one of the One, part of the Collective Alliance (Consciousness) of One. DNA is Both physical AND non-physical. DNA is both Here & There and Everywhere. Quantum Entanglement and so called junk DNA. Reclaim what has been misknown, misnamed, misjudged. This goig flip is not that big. You have just been unaware. You have been dishonored so you have dishonored yourself. Now it is Time to course correct Here. Do not Fear the Lie attached to Ego. It's no different than religion, politics, family. The Ego has been given a bad rap, like sex, like love, like god. You have believed Lies about Ego and still you are surrounded by people who believe those lies. These lies disempower you. And that is the point of those lies, to keep you trapped in dischord and despair. Disconnected from who you really are.  To keep you from the Joy that a Healthy Ego can bestow and lead you to. Ego is part of Being Alive! Ego is a tool, a mechanism of movement, accomplishment, satisfaction, Reward! Ego is a Tool. Part of the Greater Stone attained through your personal alchemy. (See The Second Half of the Mountain: A Guide to Personal Alchemy After Awakening by McCall Erickson.) Part of the wand that you wield through the spirit of ChristConsciousness. When Ego and Spirit coalesce, blend & merge, there is your PowerSource. 

Pulsating Portal of Possibility
!Please do a websearch for more personal info about any terms you are not familiar with!

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