Following the Pull of Divinity within as it speaks in quiet
whispers beneath the din of the soulversations all around
Living from Soul in every moment is Courage.
Loving from Soul generates Miracles.
Leading from Soul is Magic.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Cosmic Alchemy

I had to learn how to love myself
I had to learn how to put myself first
I had to discover my Truest Human Alignment
I had to Practice holding that configuration, that pose, that breath
I had to seek, find, maintain that balance
I had to so totally focus on the Me part of the One so that I could fully come on line
I had to fully transmute all that energy of compounded lies
I had to burn it all as part of my cosmic alchemy
I had to align myselfs through All Time/No Time
I had to delve into my own Akash and heal, transmute, align all those left behind bits
I had to complete that which I shrugged, shirked, failed, rejected, dismissed
I had to sit, plop, fall heavily into all the failures, rejections, misses, horror, drama, traumas
I had to bring it all up for review and revision like vomit followed by bile
I had to contemplate forgiveness from every angle

Yes, forgiveness
How can I forgive You if I cannot forgive myself?
You are Me
I am You
We are all One in MoreThanLove
MoreThanLove encompasses all the love, all the shades, all the shadows, all the tears, all the fears, all the failures, all the gold, all the coal, all the heat, all the cold, all the nuances of incompletion

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